Join me for a

Tab Organizing Party!

Saturday, January 7th, 11:00am ET




Is one of your new year’s resolutions (or all-year resolutions) to get organized?

Having a disorganized workspace can cause a lot of ongoing stress.


For me, part of the problem is the chaos on my computer. I have tabs and windows open everywhere for lesson planning and teaching.

And if you’ve pivoted to online learning again like we have in Toronto, then the problem and stress has multiplied.

Even though I made and shared some great tips for organizing your tabs last year, this year my tabs have gotten out of hand again.


The problem is, I haven’t actually sat down and made the time to get organized. And chances are, you haven’t either, and your tabs are driving you nuts.

So I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to get together with some of you and have a 🥳 tab organizing party! 🥳


What would that look like, you’re asking?

Well, we would get together and I would help you organize your tabs, we’d sip tea, and shop-talk about strings! Totally casual. ☕️

Afterwards, you’ll be so excited to be able to easily access everything you need to teach and lesson plan!


Think about it….

When was the last time you took some time to get organized?

When was the last time you had a chat with other string teachers?


Imagine how it’s going to feel when you have a system set up and your workspace streamlined.

Imagine how nice it will be to toss around ideas with your fellow colleagues.


It’s a little something I can do to put some ease into your life right now if you’re going through the stress of pivoting to online teaching.

So, make the commitment to be organized and set aside the time. You’ll be so glad you did!


Look forward to meeting you!


REGISTER NOW to get organized!

Feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues!

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