Are You Using SmartMusicTeacher YouTube Videos?

  In case you haven’t noticed yet, SmartMusicTeacher has a YouTube Channel with (at this moment) over 50 videos that are free for you to use with your violin, viola, cello and bass students.  And boy, did the videos come … Read More

Why Music Education Matters: Words from a Student

Do you often wonder what students are really gaining from learning music?  I think many of us have a bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to music education because the benefits are less tangible compared to subjects such … Read More

Why We Need New Scale Books for Strings

  We need new scale books for Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass…. I know I haven’t posted at all in the past while, but that’s because I have been working on finishing Smart Scales for Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass … Read More

Become an Affiliate of SmartMusicTeacher

Did you know you can earn a commission selling SmartMusicTeacher materials? If you plan to have your private students benefit from SMT materials, become an affiliate and earn 10% of everything your students buy, and $1 on all Smart Music … Read More

Music Fonts for the Word Processor

  Have you ever found yourself needing to use musical symbols or notation in your word processor?  If you are a music teacher like me who likes to make up worksheets and tests on your computer, then you know how … Read More

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